Una mas

Hey. I've been a disaster at updating this blog. But I'm in London. And this city just takes all my energy and spare time. London is all right. But its so incredibly dirty and congested. The stress-level is high and there's no nature around. Well there are some nice things about it of course..like random gigs at small clubs and markets around liverpool street. But apart from that, I think I'm really over tea and gray mornings. I really miss Barcelona, despite the thieves and angry catalan grandmas, it has really grown on me..
I've still had loads of fun here. And one more week to go! I wish my computer would upload pics faster. (3 pics 30 min) But I have shitloads of fun stuff on my cam..maybe later.

S-hand by Angel.

Please can someone steal these 70's heels from the British museum?



Best sushi in town. I think I've eaten this dish 14 times in 3 weeks. Black ink, salmon and avocado. Foodgasm!
Ok this is a solid mess. But I don't know where to start...more pics to come I guess...
shoe collector part 2
Hello guys. I'm just recovering from my flu, swineflu probably. Anyway I've been really bored lying in bed for a week with really sore muscles and a face that hurts like shit. I couldn't even open my eyes there for a while. And all I have left now (I hope) is a bit coughing to do. I became a pig as well, littering toilet-paper all over my bed. Anyway. At least I don't have to go and get vaccinated now. But I can't be 100% sure that it was that specific flu I had. What a bummer...Anyway, Here are my three fave flats;

1.) Marc Jacobs moccasins. So qute and soft. I remember when I first saw them in a magazine and just became obsessed with having them. I searched the web, they were sold out. But then I found them by accident in a little shop in Gothenburg.
2.) Miu Miu golden ballerinas. More for looking at then wearing. They remind me of Marie Antoinette or something. And I love that movie by Sofia Coppola.
3.) Vans. What I mostly have on my feet.